» Diagnosis and Care

Andréa Silvestre de Sousa
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Evandro Chagas National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, School of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

People with suspected case of Chagas disease can and should be diagnosed in primary healthcare, that is, in the Basic Health Units UBS, Emergency Units UPA 24h, clinics and hospitals. It is not necessary to seek a specialized center. Therefore, the diagnosis must be carried out properly at the Central Public Health Laboratories LACENs or equivalent labs. Only patients who actually need specialized care are sent to reference centers. Most patients are cared for by the primary healthcare system, as the disease evolves differently from person to person and most patients do not require specialized units. Only those who need particular care are sent to reference centers, where it is possible to have a proper diagnosis and to receive care at all levels of complexity. In these centers, diagnosis are confirmed and patients are followed from up close.