Continuing Education

Roberto Magalhães Saraiva

Evandro Chagas National Institute of Infectology, Fiocruz

Juliana de Meis

Rubem Figueiredo Sadok Menna-Barreto

Oswaldo Cruz Institute, Fiocruz


The current epidemiological profile of acute Chagas disease requires new surveillance, control and, above all, education measures. Outbreaks of the acute disease occur outside large urban centers, mostly in the Amazon, where the epidemiology is different from the classic intradomiciliary vector transmission, and effective surveillance and control measures are a necessity. In this context, educational and communication strategies aimed at training health professionals at all levels are essential, as well as continuing education of the population as a whole is decisive for environmental and epidemiological monitoring.

Doctors and nurses

Training Course for Doctors and Nurses in the Care of Patients with Acute and Chronic Chagas Disease in the State of Pará: Disseminating Scientific Evidence for Better Care of the Population Served by the SUS.

Objectives and goals: Search for understanding the existence of cases of acute and chronic Chagas disease in the Amazon, especially in the State of Pará, and its epidemiological, preventive aspects, diagnostic criteria, classification, clinical characteristics, and basic notions of therapeutic procedures . There will be practical training in performing and interpreting electrocardiograms aimed at finding acute and chronic Chagas disease.

Target audience: Primary care physicians and nurses


Evandro Chagas National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation

  • Roberto Magalhães Saraiva (Coordinator)
  • Henrique Horta Veloso
  • Luiz Henrique Conde Sangenis

Oswaldo Cruz Institute

  • Juliana De Meis (Co-coordinator)
  • Rubem F. Sadok Menna Barreto (Co-coordinator)

Vice-Presidency of Environment and Health Care and Promotion, Fiocruz

  • Luciana R Garzoni

Secretary of Health of the State of Pará

  • Luiz Carlos Soares Pereira

Evandro Chagas Institute – Ministry of Health

  • Sebastian Aldo Valente
  • Vera da Costa Valente
  • Ana Yecê das Neves Pinto

Federal University of Pará

  • Dilma do Socorro Moraes de Souza

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Endemic agents and laboratory workers

Training for human resources in the health area

Training and qualification of human resources of health workers in techniques for identifying Chagas disease vectors and investigating the presence of infection by trypanosomes, with a view to training multiplier agents in the scope of this knowledge.

Target audience: health agents, endemic agents and laboratory workers.


State of Ceara. Municipalities: Araripe, Campos Sales, Potengi, Salitre, Crato, Farias Brito, Nova Olinda, Santana do Cariri, Várzea Alegre, Altaneira, Antonina do Norte, Assaré and Tarrafas).

State of Piauí. Municipalities: Simplício Mendes, Campinas do Piauí and Paes Landim.

State of Tocantins. Municipalities: Arraias, Aurora, Combinado, Lavandeira, Novo Alegre, Paranã, Ponte Alta do Bom Jesus and Taguatinga.


Ceará: Jacenir Mallet, Simone Freitas, Danielle Misael.

Piauí: Jacenir Mallet, Simone Freitas, Teresa Cristina Gonçalves, Jéssica Santos and José Felipe Vieira.

Tocantins: Teresa Cristina Monte Gonçalves, Catarina Macedo Lopes, Jacenir Mallet, Leandro Ramos.

Activities in Ceará

Activities in Piauí

Activities in Tocantins

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At Schools

Training in schools in the area of health

Training activities with teachers from municipal and state schools in urban and rural areas, providing subsidies for teachers to transmit basic knowledge related to Chagas disease to their students, thus contributing to the dissemination and popularization of science and work of the scientist.

Target public: teachers and students.

Locations: States of Ceará and Tocantins.

Team: Simone Freitas, Teresa Cristina Monte Gonçalves, Catarina Macedo Lopes, Jacenir Mallet, Danielle Misael.

Activities in Ceará:

Activities in Tocantins:

Teachers and students who took 1st place in the Culminating event in the municipalities of Combinado, Lavandeira and Aurora do Tocantins, state of Tocantins, visiting Fiocruz as a prize.

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Training for the population in the health area

Raise awareness, inform and sensitize the population regarding the importance of a state of surveillance for the insect vector of Chagas disease, aiming at the health and well-being of the community, through the use of didactic material and scientific dissemination.

Target audience: general population.


Ceará, region of Cariri.

Piauí, São João do Piauí.


Ceará: Danielle Misael, Simone Freitas, Jacenir Mallet.

Piauí: Jacenir Mallet, Filipe Anibal Carvalho-Costa, Jessica Santos.

Activities in Ceará

Activities in Piauí

Talking with residents
“Speaking of Chagas” event, at the square.