Source: Fiocruz Portal (Elisandra Galvão – VPPCB/Fiocruz)
The Fio-Chagas network, connected to the Translational Research Program of the Vice-Presidency for Research and Biological Collections (VPPCB/Fiocruz), and the Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative (DNDi) promoted the meeting Multi-cruzi essay and biomarkers for healing and progression for Chagas disease. The meeting, held on May 15th at the Fiocruz headquarters in Rio de Janeiro, discussed breakthroughs with the Multi-cruzi immunoessay and the international cooperation initiatives that focus on studies of this disease, which currently affects between 5 and 7 million people worldwide. According to data by the World Health Organization and the Pan-American Health Organization, only 7% of these people have access to a diagnosis and less than 1% have access to treatment. In Brazil alone the disease affects between 1.2 and 4 million people.
Researchers from Brazil, Argentina, France and other countries attended the meeting. The opening discussion was held by Marco Krieger, vice-president of Fiocruz Production and Innovation in Health; Constança Britto, Fio-Chagas coordinator and Oswaldo Cruz Institute researcher, who also mediated the session; and by representatives of the VPPCB/Fiocruz vice-president, Wim Degrave; of Fiocruz Bahia, Fred Santos; and of DNDi, Eric Chatelain and Maria Jesus Pinazo (the latter participated remotely).
Krieger addressed issues regarding tests, certified by Anvisa, the local production of drugs, and the Foundation’s support for Chagas disease.
Fiocruz’s actions to meet public health demands, such as research and the production of prototypes for PCR essays and application in the industrial production of drugs and vaccines, were commented on by Wim Degrave. He highlighted initiatives that involve basic science, training in technological development, essays, tests and clinical trials, and technological platforms. “The Fio-Chagas network is an example because its goal is to bring different areas together to find solutions to problems we have, such as Chagas disease in Brazil. This network is present in Fiocruz’s regional research centers. We also promote international cooperation so we can have real breakthroughs in different areas”, he stated.